Forbes described the 5 steps of Service in the Apple stores. Are you ready to follow the steps to succeed?
Approach customers with a personalized, warm welcome.
Probe politely to understand all the customer's needs.
Present a solution for the customer to take home today.
Listen for and resolve any issues or concerns.
End with a fond farewell and an invitation to return.
General Electric Co. is providing employees the option of choosing between Apple’s Mac notebooks or Mac desktops instead of a Windows PC. The company now has about 1,000 Mac users and anticipates their ranks to heighten further as more employees become aware of the year-old pilot program.
About 10,000 GE employees carry the Apple smartphone, compared with 50,000 still using BlackBerrys. Staffers across GE businesses are eligible as long as there aren’t security clearance issues, such as devices for defense work, or big compatibility problems with needed software.
via The Wall Street Journal (subscription...
Posted by: blogtriana
Apple, Google, Microsoft
Posted date:
February 25, 2011
Extraordinaire article de ReadWriteWeb sur l’étude des différents discours et annonces des géants du web que sont Google, Apple et Microsoft. A partir de ces differents textes et en utilisant un outil de design de "nuages de mots" tel que Wordling, l'auteur a présenté ses résultats sous la forme du logo de chacune de ces différentes marques.
On retrouve bien chez Apple l'envie de mettre en avant son "application Store", tout en gardant un de ces produits phares: le Mac aux avants-postes. Étonnant de ne pas voir l'iPad et l'iPhone être plus en avant.
Posted by: blogtriana
Adobe, Apple
Posted date:
December 17, 2010
Voici la vidéo “Whateveryourresolution” pour les fêtes de Noel de Adobe. Le contenu navigue à travers de nombreux devices..... intéressant, surtout quand on se rappelle l'attaque d'Adobe d'il y a quelques mois.
La vidéo après le "continue Reading".